Saturday, January 19, 2008

We Have Liftoff!

I thought that I already had a blog. Now, I have another one.

I'm in a period of my life where I'm going to have to rise from the ashes due to a number of setbacks. I've been through several plans that haven't worked, and have come up with others that never got farther than their conception as thoughts. It helps in forming a plan if you know who you are and what you want. I've spent some time absorbing the depths of a statement that Jesus made to the Pharisees after they'd been particularly harsh to Him: "Jesus answered, 'Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going.' " (John 8:14 NIV) We can find in this life many people who don't quite understand who we are and where were going; it's sad to be one of them yourself.

I had to see a doctor today in the process of said rising. We talked about how I view myself. He read from a report that he'd received and asked me if I agreed with one of the characteristics used to describe me. My answer was "Perhaps". Later, I wondered if I was uncertain if it was true, or if I doubted that I fit other people's definition of that characteristic. In plain English, I wondered if I was truly not at peace with or clear about who I was, or was just in the habit of giving people's opinions too much power. To have the same impenetrable inner island of security that Jesus had, we should both know who we are, and know that the One Who made us and saved us has the capability to get us where we're going no matter who doesn't like us. After all, they're ultimately not calling us into question as much as they are our Creator. They're outmatched. We, and they, will make mistakes that should be corrected, but our basic identity is an irreplaceable exhale of the breath of God.

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